Section 1

Section 2
Configuring for First Use

Section 3
Changing Admin Password

Section 4
Creating Accounts

Section 5
Global Component Settings

Section 6

Section 7
Log Files

Section 8
User Interface Settings

Section 9
Database Connections

Section 10
Non-Standard Ports

Section 11

Section 12

Section 13
Tracking and Recipient Profiles

Section 14
Editing INI Files

14.1 Maestro User Interface INI Files

14.2 Administration Hub INI Files

14.3 Tracker INI Files

Section 15
Distributed Components

Section 16
User Interface Branding

Section 17
Evaluation Mode

Section 18
International Character Sets

Appendix A
Standard Default Ports

14.1 Maestro User Interface INI-File Entries

The following table shows all possible entries of the "lui.ini" file for the Maestro User Interface component. For any entry that is missing in the INI-file, the corresponding default value is assumed.

Table 3 Maestro User Interface INI-File Entries

Entry Key
AllowCharsetChoice Defines if the user is allowed to change the content charset on a job-by-job basis, or if he has to accept the default charset (see "DefaultMailCharset").
Default: true
AllowXAOL Adds the option button ( ) AOL Rich Text to the Alternative Text tab of the Define Content screen in the Maestro User Interface. This will allow users who have created an HTML message and enabled alternate text, to create the alternate text as either plain text or AOL Rich Text, but not both.
Default: missing or false
To enable, add or edit the entry key AllowXAOL=true

Path-part of the click-through tracking URL used for URLs without passing of merged parameters.
Default: trk/click


Path-part of the click-through tracking URL used for URLs with passing of merged parameters.
Default: /trk/clickp
CreatePersonalProfileTables Defines if full personal profiles should be stored in the internal database, when personal tracking is used.
Default: true


Defines the charset that is to be used as the charset of the content for newly created jobs which are not copies of existing jobs. May or may not be changed by user (see "AllowCharsetChoice").Default: ISO-8859-1

ExternalHostName Host name and HTTP-port of the Maestro User Interface server as seen by external clients, in the format "host:port" where ":port" can be left out if standard port "80". To be used if the external host name or HTTP-port of the server is different than the actual host name or port (for example behind a proxy).
Default: none (normal host name and port 80 used)
ExernalHubHostName Host name and HTTP-port of the Administration Hub server as seen by external clients, in the format "host:port" where ":port" can be left out if standard port "80". To be used if the external host name or HTTP-port of the server is different than the actual host name or port (for example behind a proxy).
Default: none (normal host name and port 80 used)
Home Home folder in which work-files are kept.
Default: subfolder "lui" in installation folder
HubContext Context-path part of the user interface access URLs for the Administration Hub component.
Default: hub
HubHTTPPort HTTP-Port of the Administration Hub server.
Default: 80
HubRMIPort Internal communication port (RMI-Port) of the Administration Hub server.
Default: 1099
MaintenanceMode Defines it the Maestro User Interface component shall run in maintenance mode or not.
Default: false
OpenUpURL Path-part of the open-up tracking URL.
Default: /trk/open
RegistryDomain The domain name with which the Maestro User Interface component stores its settings in the Administration Hub registry.
Default: LUI
RegistryHubHost Host name of the server with the Administration Hub component.
Default: localhost
RemoteAdminPassword Password for remote log file access.
Default: none (no remote log file access allowed)
RestoreBackup Path name of the folder containing the backup that shall be restored during the next startup. Note: This key will be automatically removed from the INI-file during the next startup.
Default: none
RMIPort Internal communication port (RMI-Port) of the Maestro User Interface server.
Default: 1099
TrackerHost Host name of the server with the Maestro Tracker component.
Default: localhost
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