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LISTSERV at Work L-Soft
Issue 4, 2010
    In This Issue:

LISTSERV Maestro Membership Area
Crafting Top-Notch HTML Newsletters
Le Sac LISTSERV Photo Sharing
CataList: A Catalog of LISTSERV Lists
Tech Tip: LISTSERV Maestro

LISTSERV at Work Editorial Note

In this issue, the benefits of putting subscribers in control get the limelight. We bring you a lead article on how to send relevant email with the power of the unique membership area in LISTSERV Maestro – L-Soft's complete email marketing, tracking and campaign reporting software – and provide tech tips on making full use of suppression lists with LISTSERV and enabling advanced subscriber profiles using LISTSERV Maestro. We also invite you to browse our other articles and participate in our photo sharing activity and quickpoll. Happy reading!


Bienvenue Kayvu

Kayvu is L-Soft's new upcoming email marketing service for small- and medium-sized organizations. The Kayvu interface was designed to look like an everyday email client, providing step- by-step support for beginners on the path to becoming professional email marketers. The service is currently available as a free pre-release (beta).

Kayvu Pre-Release


Canadian Government Reintroduces Anti-Spam Legislation

As email list communicators look to 2011, it's important to keep current with the latest anti-spam legislation. Recently, the Canadian government reintroduced legislation to reduce spam, the Fighting Internet and Wireless Spam Act (FISA). It is anticipated for possible passage into law by the end of this year. Additional details regarding FISA implementation and how this new legislation compares to CAN-SPAM is available below.


LISTSERV at Work - Quickpoll

Do you use subscriber profile data to segment or customize your mailings?

Not Yet, But Planning to Start

About LISTSERV at Work

LISTSERV at Work is L-Soft's customer newsletter. Published quarterly, LISTSERV at Work keeps customers and the L-Soft community up-to-date with the company's latest developments. Each newsletter contains the latest LISTSERV product and industry news, as well as opinions, guidelines and tech tips.

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L-Soft international, Inc.
8100 Corporate Drive, Suite 350
Landover, MD 20785-2231




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Spotlight on the LISTSERV Maestro Membership Area

By Robert Graf-Waczenski
Senior Applications Programmer, L-Soft

Spotlight on the LISTSERV Maestro Membership Area

Sending relevant content to only those recipients who actually opted in to receive it is one of the most important best practices in email marketing. It may sound simple enough, but in order to implement this best practice, you need a database of recipient email addresses, ideally complemented by profile information that correctly reflects your subscribers' preferences. With such a database, sending the relevant content is easy. But how do you create and maintain such a recipient database? How do you make sure that the database is up-to-date with regard to your subscribers' preferences?


Crafting Top-Notch HTML Newsletters

By Jani Kumpula
Senior Webmaster/User Interface Designer, L-Soft

Crafting Top-Notch HTML Newsletters

Many HTML-savvy designers find themselves frustrated when building HTML newsletters for the first time. Creating HTML content for browsers, which enjoy good HTML standards support, is very different than creating HTML for email clients, where HTML support is much more sketchy. Despite all of this, designing successful HTML newsletters doesn't have to be a major challenge as long as we follow a few key guidelines.


Le Sac LISTSERV Photo Sharing

By L-Soft Staff

Le Sac LISTSERV Photo Sharing

As more of the LISTSERV tote bags have been mailed out around the world, the "Where is Le Sac LISTSERV?" photo sharing activity remains open. The concept is simple. Take photos of the tote bag in interesting locations around the world and email us the pictures. The tote bag could be featured near famous buildings and landmarks or in fun, humorous situations. The possibilities are endless, and creativity is encouraged.


A Catalog of LISTSERV® Lists that Lives Up to Its Name

By L-Soft Staff


Where can a person find a list to discuss practically anything? A place to learn about cutting-edge therapies for rare diseases, hold a conversation on operatic aria techniques, find support for parenting children with disabilities, and share training tips for Portuguese Water Dogs? And that's not to mention access to some 51,000 other public LISTSERV lists. Where else but CataList, the Official Catalog of LISTSERV Lists.

Check out CataList and spread the word to others – chances are, whatever the topic, there's a list for it.




Q: How can I create a suppression list in LISTSERV to exclude email addresses from all lists on the entire server?

Answer by Ben Parker
Chief Corporate Consultant, L-Soft

When managing a LISTSERV server, especially one used for promotional or marketing purposes, recipients will occasionally request to unsubscribe from a given list and to be excluded from all other lists on the server. It is the recipient's expectation, and the list owner's responsibility, that this request is implemented quickly and effectively. Manual removal from multiple lists can be error-prone. In rare instances, maintenance tasks such as restoring from backup can result in the unintentional re-addition of the subscriber. Both of these scenarios are frustrating for the recipient and embarrassing for LISTSERV administrators.


Tech Tip: LISTSERV Maestro

LISTSERV Maestro Tech Tip

Q: How can I create a subscriber profile pull-down menu with entries dependent on a previous selection?

Answer by Liam Kelly
Senior Consulting Analyst, L-Soft

In this Tech Tip, we'll be discussing the LISTSERV Maestro subscriber pages. Specifically, we'll look at how to offer our subscribers a pull-down selection menu, and then have a second pull-down menu, the entries of which are dependent on the option selected in the first menu. For example, we might have a REGION pull-down that allows a subscriber to select the region of residence and a COUNTRY pull-down that lists only the countries in the selected region. To accomplish this, we would need to define two lookup tables in LISTSERV Maestro and then divide the COUNTRY lookup table into subsets.


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