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LISTSERV at Work L-Soft
Issue 2, 2011
    Highlights of This Issue:

Share Your LISTSERV Story,
Post a Question for LISTSERV Inventor

The Mailys: IWETEL Wins April Voting,
Qualifies as First of Five Finalists


LISTSERV Maestro Tech Tip:
Using the Permission Tracking Feature

Dear Subscriber,

In this issue, we offer you an opportunity to start celebrating the LISTSERV 25th Annniversary and receive special commemorative items as a thank you. We also spotlight the two Honorable Mention winners of the LISTSERV Choice Awards – The Mailys – from 2010. Be sure to find out who is the first finalist in The Mailys in 2011 and how you can enter your favorite list into the competition. Next month, we will publish a special LISTSERV 25th Anniversary newsletter issue. In the meantime, be sure to keep up-to-date on the latest happenings with L-Soft's opt-in email and social media channels.


Coming Soon:
New Website and Opt-In Center

As part of the LISTSERV 25th Anniversary celebration, L-Soft will launch a new website and opt-in center this summer. In addition to a modern design, the website contains some new interactive features and will make L-Soft's product materials and resources more easily accessible to our visitors. The new opt-in center will offer subscriber profile fields, which allows you to more closely fine-tune and tailor your subscriptions to L-Soft's newsletters and announcement lists. More details and information about how to set up your subscriber profiles will be available soon.


LISTSERV Choice Awards 2010 Honorable Mention: KIDNEY-ONC

KIDNEY-ONC is a LISTSERV list with the purpose of life itself. Designed to provide information and support to patients and caregivers dealing with renal cell carcinoma and other more rare types of kidney cancer, this LISTSERV list is a member of a consortium of over 100 mailing lists hosted by the Association of Cancer Online Resources (ACOR). The KIDNEY-ONC list began in 1997 and is currently helping some 2000 subscribers cope with cancer. The list has also established itself as a contributor to the body of knowledge on the disease.


LISTSERV Choice Awards 2010 Honorable Mention: MENOPAUS

From one woman's search for information and support about menopause, a LISTSERV list was born. The Menopaus Email Support Group, one of numerous lists hosted by ICORS, is described as a community for women seeking discussion and support of perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause, remedies and solutions, and personal experiences related to menopause and other women's health issues.


LISTSERV at Work - Quickpoll

How long have you been using LISTSERV?

More than 20 Years
10-19 Years
1-9 Years
Less than a Year

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L-Soft international, Inc.
8100 Corporate Drive, Suite 350
Landover, MD 20785-2231



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LISTSERV Turns 25: Share Your LISTSERV Story

By L-Soft Staff

What's Your LISTSERV Story?

Before the summer of 1986, all of the early email lists had to be administered manually, which resulted in such a drain on time and resources that it could well have caused the demise of email list communication as a whole. As a result, Eric Thomas, an engineering student in Paris, decided to develop a program to automate the management of email lists: LISTSERV® software.

2011 marks a quarter-century of LISTSERV. We invite and encourage you to share your LISTSERV stories with us. You can share quotes or even longer testimonials, photos, video or audio files, anecdotes, email messages from long ago – just about anything – that tells your LISTSERV story. We're leaving it open-ended, so you can submit whatever you would like to commemorate the 25th anniversary.

Share your stories, preferably by May 25. Selected stories will be featured in a special newsletter edition in June. And as a thank-you gift, you will receive a commemorative LISTSERV anniversary collectible.


Ask the Inventor:
L-Soft Founder and CEO Eric Thomas to Host Live Chat

By L-Soft Staff

L-Soft Founder and CEO Eric Thomas

Be one of the the first to submit questions for L-Soft Founder and CEO Eric Thomas to answer during a live videocast and online chat to be held in September. Have you ever wondered why Eric invented LISTSERV? Are you curious how LISTSERV has changed over the years? Do you want to know what some of the very first LISTSERV lists were? Are you interested to hear Eric's vision of the next quarter-century of LISTSERV and the permission email industry? Submit your question today to ensure your place in the priority queue.


IWETEL, a forum on libraries, documentation in Spanish
Wins April Voting, Qualifies as First of Five Finalists

By L-Soft Staff

LISTSERV Choice Awards 2011

After a surge of support in the last week of voting, IWETEL won the April 2011 competition with 45.62% of the vote and has qualified as the first of five finalists eligible for consideration of the grand prize award. A total of 8492 votes were cast in the first monthly contest. The counters have been reset and May voting is now in full swing.


April Finalist: IWETEL 45.62%

See April Vote Totals

Will your favorite list be the next to qualify as a finalist in the May voting? Vote today! Have you nominated your favorite LISTSERV list? Nominate today for the best chance to be a finalist in the four remaining monthly voting contests! Everyone who nominates a new list will receive an L-Soft promotional item of their choice, including t-shirts and tote bags.




Q: How do I use LISTSERV's API to allow an external application to interact directly with LISTSERV?

Answer by Tom McDaniel
Consulting Analyst, L-Soft

LISTSERV users are quite familiar with the traditional communication layers used for LISTSERV commands: email through the LISTSERV command address ( or via the LISTSERV web interface. While these interfaces are certainly adequate for the most common, ad-hoc commands issued by individual users, neither is the best solution for automated procedures. When developing an external application that needs to interact with LISTSERV, the TCPGUI interface is the ideal communication layer.


Tech Tip: LISTSERV Maestro

LISTSERV Maestro Tech Tip

Q: How do I use the permission-based tracking feature in LISTSERV Maestro?

Answer by Ben Parker
Chief Corporate Consultant, L-Soft

The need to obtain permission from recipients to send them email of a marketing or promotional (non-transactional) nature is well established in the email industry as a fundamental best practice. However, with the growing concerns about personal privacy and the potential exposure of various kinds of personally identifiable information (PII), there is a new permission step beyond mere permission to send email. This step is "Permission to Personally Track". That is, permission for the email campaigner to track your responses (opens, clicks and action-tracking, such as purchases) in a personally identifiable way.


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