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L-Soft international, Inc.
Site Manager's Operations Manual
LISTSERV®, version 1.8c
April 8, 1997
Revision 1

The reference number of this document is 9704-UD-03.

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Appendix D: LISTSERV "Commands-Job" Feature and CJLI Interpreter

D.1. Introduction 
    The "Commands-Job"  feature of  Revised Listserv  was designed  in an
  attempt  to  allow for  powerful  inter-LISTSERV  (and more  generally,
  program-to-LISTSERV) command transmission  with message redirection and
  multi-line arguments capability, while still allowing unexpert users to
  send commands to  LISTSERV for execution in a  very simple, "intuitive"
    The implementation of Commands-Jobs has therefore been split into two
  different layers: the 'core' command job language interpreter, with its
  exacting,  powerful but  stern control  cards syntax,  and the  'outer'
  interface to the user which provides the required default control cards
  whenever they have  been omitted, translating an  "intuitive" series of
  commands to execute  into an actual commands-job that  can be processed
  by the 'core' interpreter.
    Since this  documentation is  primarily intended for  postmasters and
  LISTSERV applications programmers,  it will be oriented  towards a des-
  cription of the  'core' interpreter. The work of  the 'outer interface'
  will only be mentioned for better understanding. The 'core' interpreter
  will be referred to as 'Command Job Language Interpreter' (CJLI) in the
  following discussion.
    Warning: if  you are  familiar with  MVS and  JCL, you  will probably
  notice some similarity between command  job control cards and JCL. This
  similarity is purposeful and was intended to make CJLI easier to under-
  stand for JCL  adepts and to make MVS users  more comfortable with CJLI
  (MVS users  who do not  have any mailing system  such as UCLA  mail and
  have difficulties  sending/receiving messages  are often forced  to use
  (basic)  CJLI control  cards to  send commands  to LISTSERV).  However,
  there are a  number of differences between CJLI and  JCL and you should
  not assume that a  given JCL card has the same  meaning and syntax than
  its CJLI counterpart. Some JCL features which were deemed to be unneces
  sary (eg  dataset concatenation  with a  blank DD  card) have  not been
  implemented, and new features  have been implemented whenever required.

D.2. Overview -- the JOB entity
    As  soon  as the  'outer'  interface  detects  that a  file  contains
  commands (as opposed to a mail  or non-mail file intended for redistri-
  bution to a list), it passes it  to the CJLI for execution. This physi-
  cal  file will  contain one  or more  logical 'JOB's  with interspersed
  comment lines.  Each 'JOB'  will contain zero  or more  commands, start
  with a "// JOB"  card and end with a "// EOJ"  card. The 'outer' inter-
  face will  provide these cards  if omitted,  but this will  be detailed
  later  on. Anything  before the  first "//  JOB" card,  after the  last
  "// EOJ" or  between "// EOJ" and  "// JOB" cards is  ignored. Notably,
  mail headers  and "Acknowledge-To:" fields  (at the bottom of  the mail
  file) would be  ignored. A physical job file containing  two jobs might
  look like this:
(any number of header lines, ignored)
 //jobname1 JOB  options
 //jobname1 EOJ
(any number of lines, ignored)
 //jobname2 JOB  options
 //jobname2 EOJ
(any number of lines before EOF, ignored)
    Each  job in  the physical  file is  a completely  independent entity
  which contains commands and the  'dataset' definitions required to exe-
  cute the commands properly. Jobs are executed in sequential order; if a
  job does not execute successfully, the  other jobs in the physical file
  are still  executed, unless the job  has been terminated by  a 'global'
  error (eg  error reading  the physical  file), in  which case  the CJLI
  terminates itself after transferring the file to the postmaster. Within
  a given  job, commands are  executed in sequential order  regardless of
  the result of the previous commands.
    Each job  generates a separate 'output',  which is sent to  its reci-
  pients (see  below) before  the next sequential  job is  executed. This
  'output' consists in  a series of messages which  are (unless specified
  otherwise -- see below) sent back as a single mail file.
    There are basically three kind of cards in a job stream:
  A. Control cards, which start with "//" in column 1 and are interpreted
     by the CJLI. Control cards  further subdivide into three categories:
      1. Pre-execution  control cards, of  the form: "//label  kwd args".
         "label" and  "args" can  be omitted  but there  must still  be a
         blank between the "//" string and the keyword name, ie "// kwd".
         If  CJLI does  not  recognize  the keyword,  it  strips off  the
         leading  "//" and  considers  the card  as  a command-card  (see
      2. Comments, of  the form: "//* any_comment_text".  These cards are
         merely ignored by CJLI. Note  the blank between the asterisk and
         the first character of the comment text.
      3. Execution  time   control  cards,   of  the   following  format:
         "//*kwd  args". Note  that the  keyword is  concatenated to  the
         "//*" string to differentiate  this from a comment.  If the key-
         word is not recognized, the card is treated as a comment control
         card and ignored. It is otherwise processed by CJLI at execution
         time, as if it were a normal command card, and in sequence order
         with the other command cards.  These cards are actually commands
         which are only available from  within a command job because they
         would be irrelevant outside of a job context.
  B. Command cards, which  contain the text of the actual  commands to be
     executed. They  are ignored by  CJLI which  passes them to  the main
     LISTSERV command interpreter for execution.  If the card starts with
     an asterisk, it is treated as a comment and ignored.
  C. Data cards,  which are assembled into  a dataset under control  of a
     "// DD" control card.  They are removed from the job  stream by CJLI
     and are kept in a separate pool for later reference at command execu
     tion time.
D.3. Control Cards -- general syntax rules
    All  control cards,  except comment  control cards,  follow the  same
  syntactic rules:
  1) A control card starts with the string "//" in column 1.
  2) Control cards can span any  number of physical records: continuation
     cards can  be defined  by placing a  comma at the  end of  the first
     physical  line, and  having  the continuation  card  start with  the
     string "// " (note the blank) in column 1. This process can be repea
     ted any number of times. No blank is inserted between the end of the
     first card and the beginning of the continuation card; however, any-
     thing before the comma is kept. Examples:
     //card1  DD  "Some very long text which,
     //            requires a continuation card"
     --> "Some very long text whichrequires a continuation card"
     //card1  DD  "Some very long text which,
     //                                requires a continuation card"
     --> "Some very long text whichrequires a continuation card"
     //card1  DD  "Some very long text which  ,
     //            requires a continuation card"
     --> "Some very long text which  requires a continuation card"
     Since this approach  makes it impossible to "cut" a  line which ends
     in a  large string of blanks,  an alternate method was  designed for
     blanks-sensitive cutting.  If the continuation card  starts with the
     string "//+  " in column 1  instead of just "//  ", the continuation
     card is not stripped of leading blanks and data from columns 5-80 is
     appended to the first card. Examples:
     //card1  DD  "Some very long text which,
     //+ requires a continuation card"
     --> "Some very long text whichrequires a continuation card"
     //card1  DD  "Some very long text which,
     //+  requires a continuation card"
     --> "Some very long text which requires a continuation card"
  3) Control cards can  contain a label of any length  starting in column
     3. This label is  translated to uppercase. If the  label is omitted,
     there must be a blank in column 3. The label can contain any charac-
     ter, except blank and the slash sign ("/").
  4) The label is  followed by at least  one blank. The next  word in the
     card is the "card name", which is translated to uppercase.
  5) Arguments can be specified after the  "card name", and must be sepa-
     rated from  it by  at least  one blank.  Arguments are  separated by
     commas, and there must not be  any blank before nor after the comma.
     There are two categories of arguments:
       a) Positional  arguments, which must  appear in the  correct order
          (which will usually depend on action being performed).
       b) Keywords,  of the  form  "name=data". They  can  appear in  any
          order and  can be  freely intermixed with  positional keywords.
          They do not  affect the sequence order  of positional keywords.
          Keyword names are translated to  uppercase, and can contain any
          character except blank, comma, double-quote or equal sign.
     For example,  //JOB1 JOB  XDZ,ECHO=NO,FRECP11,PW=EMERALD
                   //JOB1 JOB  PW=EMERALD,XDZ,FRECP11,ECHO=NO
             and   //JOB1 JOB  Echo=NO,pW=EMERALD,XDZ,FRECP11
     are three different wordings of the same arguments string.
     There are furthermore two different forms of "data" for arguments:
       a) Quoted data: in that case the data is enclosed in double quotes
          and can  contain one or more  blank delimited words as  well as
          leading or trailing blanks.  Quoted data is case-sensitive, and
          can contain any character except a double-quote.
       b) Non-quoted data:  in that  case the data  consists of  a single
          word (ie blanks cannot appear in the data), which is translated
          to uppercase. Non-quoted data cannot contain blanks, commas nor
     In the above example, specifying 'Echo=No' is functionally identical
     to 'ECHO=NO',  while 'Echo="No"' would  leave the argument  in mixed
     case. Quoted data  is used for list of  recipients, full-names, etc.
  6) Comments can be included at the end of the card, and must be separa-
     ted from the arguments by at least one blank. If you did not specify
     any argument string, and still want  to place comments at the end of
     the control card, you must specify a null argument string before the
     comments by putting a ", " before the comment text, eg:
               //JOB1 JOB , These are comments
               //JOB1 JOB XDZ,FRECP11 These are comments too
D.4. The JOB control card 
    The JOB control card indicates the start of a new job and allows you
  to define several "execution options" for the job. The format of the
  JOB card is:
    //jobname JOB options
  'jobname' is the  name you want to  assign to the job. If  you leave it
            blank, CJLI will default it to be your 'userid'.
  The following options are available:
  - Echo=YES|NO
    The default  value (if the keyword  is omitted) is YES  and indicates
    that each command must be echoed  to the job output before execution.
    The command  is then prefixed  with a "> ",  and preceded by  a blank
    line on the job output.
  - Reply-to=Sender|None|"u@n1 u@n2..."
    The default  value is "Sender" and  indicates that the output  of the
    job is to be sent to the  sender of the job. "None" indicates that no
    output should  be generated,  and is  used whenever  the sender  is a
    server which is not programmed to parse the output of a LISTSERV job.
    Also it makes sure  that no loop can ever occur due to  an error in a
    job. "u@n1 u@n2..." can be used whenever  replies are to be sent to a
    different person/list of persons. These  persons will first receive a
    messages telling them  that they are receiving the  output of another
    person's job.
  - Reply-via=Mail|Message|MSG
    The default  value, "Mail", indicates  that the  job output is  to be
    sent to  its recipients  in the  form of a  mail file.  "Message" and
    "MSG" both indicate that interactive  messages are desired. Note that
    an attempt to send interactive messages to a node which cannot handle
    them will result  in LISTSERV sending a piece of  mail containing the
    text of the various messages.
  - PW=password
    Is the  default password to use  on commands where an  explicit "PW="
    keyword has  not been  specified. It  makes it  easier to  write jobs
    performing  several maintenance  commands  on  the same  distribution
    list, for example.
    All other keywords, as well as positional parameters, are ignored. If
  an invalid value is specified for  a valid keyword, the job is termina-
  ted by CJLI but the remaining jobs  in the physical file are still exe-
    If the JOB card is omitted, the 'outer' interface provides the follo-
  wing default JOB card:
     //userid JOB Echo=Yes,Reply-to=Sender,Reply-via=Mail,PW=""
D.5. The EOJ control card

    The EOJ card indicates the end of a job; its syntax is very simple:
         //anything EOJ
  where 'anything' can be any valid  label and is completely ignored. The
  'outer' interface provides  an EOJ card at the end  of the physical job
  file, as  well as before a  new JOB card,  if none was provided  by the
D.6. The DD control card
    The DD control card allows you to define single or multi-line 'data-
  sets' for use by the various commands in the job stream. The syntax of
  the DD card is the following:
      //ddname DD "single-line-constant"
  'ddname' is  the name the  dataset is to be  given. It must  follow the
           general label naming convention,  cannot be omitted and cannot
           appear more  than once  in the job  stream. That  is, datasets
           cannot be concatenated by means of several DD cards.
  "xxxxxx" denotes a single-line dataset, whose value is that of the
           first (quoted) argument. The length of this argument must not
           exceed 255 bytes.
  '*'      denotes a multi-line dataset, whose successive lines immediate
           ly follow the DD card. Any  number of lines can thus be inclu-
           ded in a  dataset, with a "/*" line indicating  the end of the
           dataset. The JCL "DD DATA,DLM='xxxx'" is not implemented. Note
           that unlike JCL, CJLI does NOT  end the dataset when a control
           card (ie one starting with "//") is encountered; the "/*" must
           always be specified.
  '*,EOF'  denotes a multi-line dataset, whose successive lines immediate
           ly follow the DD  card and end at the end  of the PHYSICAL job
           file. This option is used  when transmitting "unknown" data in
           a dataset which  could a priori contain any  kind of character
           string. Needless to say, there can be only one such dataset in
           the job file, and it must be the last dataset in the last job.
  'Res='   indicates whether the  dataset is to reside  in storage ("Res=
           Storage") or  on disk  ("Res=Disk"). In some  cases it  may be
           necessary to keep a large dataset on disk to avoid running out
           of storage and to improve  execution speed when a disk-file is
           to be generated  anyway by the command using  the dataset. The
           "Res=" keyword is therefore ignored on all datasets except the
           '*,EOF' one (if present), and causes a disk file to be genera-
           ted with the remainder of the input deck. Please note that not
           all  commands will  support  the  "Res=Disk" option:  commands
           which do not  expect to receive a large dataset  as input will
           usually expect to find it in  storage and report an error when
           the "Res=Disk"  option is used. For  example, DISTRIBUTE fully
           supports "Res=Disk" while DELETE doesn't.

    An invalid  dataset declaration  causes the job  to be  terminated by
  CJLI with the remaining jobs in the physical file still being executed.
D.7. The //*MSG control card
    The "//*MSG"  execution-time control  card allows you  to selectively
  halt/resume 'typing  on the  job output' or  to discard  messages which
  have been previously output during execution  of the job. Note that the
  latter option  has no  effect when  the output  of the  job is  sent as
  interactive messages,  as it  is intended to  control mail  job output.
  The syntax of the "//*MSG" control card is:
     //*MSG option1,option2,...
  Valid options are: ON, OFF, FLUSH
    FLUSH  discards  all messages previously  sent to the job  output and
           leaves the message-receipt status unchanged.
    OFF    turns message receipt off, as if "Reply-to=None" had been spe-
           cified in the JOB card.
    ON     turns message receipt back on. This does NOT override a possi-
           ble "Reply-to=None" in the JOB card, though.
D.8. Special considerations 
    This section contains more information on the trickiest parts of CJLI
  as well as some useful hints for application programmers.
    Because there are some list servers  on the network that require mail
  to be  sent to the  LISTSERV userid in  order to be  distributed, while
  Revised LISTSERV treats anything mailed to the LISTSERV userid as a set
  of commands to execute, it was decided  that as soon as an unknown com-
  mand is encountered in the job stream, the whole physical job file (not
  just the current job) is immediately flushed and discarded. This avoids
  'executing' hundreds  of unknown commands  and sending back a  huge job
  output when a regular mailfile is  sent to the LISTSERV userid by some-
  one who  thought it would  be distributed to  a list. Note  that errors
  from known commands do not cause termination of the job -- only comple-
  tely unknown commands such as "Hiya!!" would terminate the job.
    Although CJLI  is based  on the  network standard  80-characters card
  images,  LISTSERV  accepts command  jobs  in  several network  formats,
  including Disk Dump and Netdata. In that case it will accept records of
  up to  255 characters as input,  and you may find  this very convenient
  when sending long commands to the server.
    Alternatively, continuation cards can be  used to split long commands
  into several 80-characters cards. In that  case you must insert a "// "
  string before the  command text so that CJLI considers  it as a control
  card and performs the required concatenation; it will then realize that
  the "card name"  is unknown and transform the card  into a regular com-
  mand card. If you  opt for that method, you will  find the "//+" conti-
  nuation card feature very convenient for a program (but not for a human
  person). This method is used by LISTSERV when transmitting "DISTRIBUTE"
  commands to other LISTSERVs.
    There is no limit  at all on the final size of a  control card, ie on
  the number  of continuation  cards you can  specify; however,  you must
  make sure that no line in any of the 'datasets' ever exceeds 255 charac
  ters.  In particular,  if  the physical  job file  is  sent in  Netdata
  format, you must make sure that the  file lrecl is not higher than 255.
    Due to internal coding considerations,  it is recommended that physi-
  cal job files  be sent to LISTSERV  in PUNCH format. This  will make it
  easier for the 'outer' interface to detect  the job file for what it is
  and  will save  some  CPU time  to the  server,  thereby improving  job
  response time. Please keep in mind that DD lines longer than 80 charac-
  ters cannot be sent in PUNCH format.
    For more information  on how to send commands to  LISTSERV for execu-
  tion, see LISTSERV MEMO.

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